galah - Biodiversity Data from the GBIF Node Network
The Global Biodiversity Information Facility ('GBIF', <https://www.gbif.org>) sources data from an international network of data providers, known as 'nodes'. Several of these nodes - the "living atlases" (<https://living-atlases.gbif.org>) - maintain their own web services using software originally developed by the Atlas of Living Australia ('ALA', <https://www.ala.org.au>). 'galah' enables the R community to directly access data and resources hosted by 'GBIF' and its partner nodes.
Last updated 1 months ago
9.08 score 43 stars 1 dependents 275 scripts 858 downloads
synthesisr - Import, Assemble, and Deduplicate Bibliographic Datasets
A critical first step in systematic literature reviews and mining of academic texts is to identify relevant texts from a range of sources, particularly databases such as 'Web of Science' or 'Scopus'. These databases often export in different formats or with different metadata tags. 'synthesisr' expands on the tools outlined by Westgate (2019) <doi:10.1002/jrsm.1374> to import bibliographic data from a range of formats (such as 'bibtex', 'ris', or 'ciw') in a standard way, and allows merging and deduplication of the resulting dataset.
Last updated 20 days ago
6.87 score 30 stars 1 dependents 82 scripts 434 downloads